Welcome again
Hope you are doing great.
Today unfolding of new secret in simple and few words. We generally confuse our roles with our basic existence. Simply means we are individually one and play all the given different roles. For example a person is friend, husband, father, son, brother, boss, minister etc.

To simplify more, a person wearing different clothes of roles but still different from roles. Conflict starts when a person identifies himself with roles and forgets that he is simply a person not role. Attachment brings conflicts and invites miseries. Ego is generated and whole life becomes confusion. Humanity becomes last priority and ego satisfaction becomes first priority. It impacts all humanity directly or indirectly. In this process peace, love, enjoyment seems to be dream or illusion. Health, relations, responsibilities etc. are impacted. One should try to see it himself and come out of it to make this earth and society wonderful place to live.
Ok, see you in next article with new secret.
Till then think, act and stay blessed.